Should You Really Worry About Your Lingerie on Your First Date?


Ultimately, that decision is yours and yours alone. Lingerie doesn’t always imply the sexy stuff you wear when you’re out to seduce someone. Lingerie is basically any bra, panty, or undergarment you wear under your clothing. Some say that there is a difference between underwear and lingerie and they are correct to some extent. The very word ‘lingerie’ implies that the item is pretty or even racy, which is usually a step up from your everyday cotton undies.

Don’t Stress Over the Decision

Odds are you’ll spend hours deciding what to wear on your first date with someone. Of course, you want to look good for your date but there is also the added stress of dressing for the date’s location. Going to the opera? Maybe you need a fancy dress. Going to dinner? Perhaps something casually chic. Hitting the floor for some dancing afterward? Better wear something comfortable. All of that just to say that you already have enough to stress about when it comes to what to wear on your date without having to add more stress about whether to go with regular underwear or pretty lingerie underneath it all.

I Feel Pretty, Oh-So-Pretty

At the same time, you may be a woman who believes in feeling good from the inside out. So if wearing pretty lingerie underneath your clothing makes you feel even more confident, by all means, wear the lingerie. If you do decide to wear it, you probably want to make sure that it’s color-coordinated to your outfit; meaning, don’t wear black lingerie under a cream-colored outfit and so on. But if you’re wearing something black, go right ahead and rock that black lingerie underneath it. You’ll be dressed to the nines and looking like a ten!

Do You Have an Ulterior Motive?

Maybe you’ve been chatting this fellow up for some time now on the Charlotte chat line. You’re taking things to the next level now by going out on a date with him but it’s possible that you’re aiming for a little more than that, and that’s okay too. If you’re charting a course for seduction and eager to enjoy some action of the red-hot variety on your first date, by all means, wear the lingerie. Regardless of whether it’s a simple matching bra and panty set or something straight out of Frederick’s of Hollywood, there’s no denying the message you’ll be sending him. He’ll get it ‘loud and clear’ and you’ll get what you want!

Keep It Simple

Sure, your dresser drawers may be filled with the frilliest and fanciest of dainty undergarments from La Perla and the like, but for your first date, it’s best to keep it simple and save the truly glamorous pieces for a few more dates down the road. An attractive nude bra and matching panty are usually basic lingerie pieces that most women have in their wardrobe and that go well under any outfit. Regardless of what color it is, the best thing you can do is make sure that the lingerie fits you well. No need for any bulges or lines to ruin your otherwise rocking date outfit!

There’s no right answer to this question. It depends on you and your date. If you feel empowered by wearing something risqué, go for it. If you think being comfortable trumps all, then be comfortable. Do what (or who) you want, be you and make sure you enjoy yourself.